Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Writing Buddies

“More than anything else, the part of us that writes needs support, reassurance, and encouragement.” Julia Cameron

For years I wrote alone. I scribbled thoughts into secret journals; I typed poetry when no one else was home. I kept my work hidden, my writing life a secret. It was like an affair that I tried to hide. I denied that I was a writer, how could I be? My writing wasn’t any good, my thoughts too embarrassing to expose to other people. When I finally started writing a full length novel I hid in the basement, typing on my laptop.

It is difficult to write alone. It can be lonely and tiring, especially when the negative thoughts creep up. “This isn’t any good.” “This is taking too long.” “Stop kidding yourself.”

Sometimes the best thing for a writer’s soul is a friend.

Someone that encourages you, that gives you support, someone to share the ups and downs of writer-dom, the laughter and the tears. That is all it takes is for just one person to believe in you, to be there for you, to keep you going. I am very blessed to have found writing friends. Without their support and encouragement I don’t think I would have gotten as far.

How do you find a writing friend? Tell your friends that you that are writing, you will be amazed at how much support they will give. Reach out to other writers. Look for a critique partner, someone in the same boat and genre as you. Find blogs for writers; and make one of your own. Participate in blog events. Join the community of writers. Yeah, not everyone is going to be tea cakes and roses. But there are kindred souls out there.

I hope you will be blessed with good writing friends. May you encourage and inspire others to write, and may you also be a good friend to yourself. Trust in your words!


  1. My mother and I, both writers, have this wonderful kind of relationship. We call it WBF--Writing Buddies Forever--and meet as frequently as possible to discuss plot, editors, queries, and of course, eat toothsome morsels.

    1. So glad to hear you have your mother. WBF, I love that!!



  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, me neither! Thanks for stopping by.


  3. Writing buddies have made all of the difference in my process, my confidence level, and my finished products. This is an excellent entry and VERY sage advice. And I love that Cameron find the best things! Love your blog so much!!

    1. Thanks Amandini, I totally agree with you that they make a big difference. Thanks for being my awesome writing buddy! :)


  4. I write my blog. But I am very unsure of my writing. Encouraged by your post though. Thanks for participating in IWSG. Otherwise I wouldn't have find you.
    My teen daughter is my buddy and critique partner. I,m blessed to have her.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, so glad that my post helped out. I'm glad to hear that you and your daughter are critique partners, that is so awesome!


  5. I found your blog from the IWSG.

    Excellent post-espcially about being a good friend to ourselves.

    Writing buddied keep my going. I couldn't have survived NaNo without them.

    Good luck in your writing! I'm glad you "came out of the closet" and admitted you were a writer.

    1. Merry Meet! Nano is one of those big ones when a writing buddy is a must! So glad you have them. Good luck with your writing as well. :)


  6. I'm so thankful for my beta's... To share in the experience, to help them with their work and vice-versa, to have wonderful friendships.

    Awesome post, Andrea!

    1. I have some amazing critique partners, Amanda and Laura that I couldn't have gone without. I think it is so awesome when friends become writing buddies and writing buddies become friends :)

  7. Aww! So inspirational and cute. I was on the same boat as you for a bit, too.

    1. I'm happy to hear that you are no longer in that boat! Thanks for stopping by :)


  8. I have actually started to hold writing groups here, in my house, for writers/moms who feel disconnected from other creative folks. I've taught online & teleclasses for years and am so enjoying the in-person stuff, too.

    I am actually here from the A to Z Challenge when you were praised so highly, I figured I would pop over here and see what you are all about... lots and lots of great writing!

    Grateful to meet you!

    Julie Jordan Scott
    Fellow A to Z Challenge Writer
    twitter: @juliejordanscot
    A to Z Recap Post

  9. Oh, that is awesome! You don't happen to live near Kansas City do you? I think I found your online classes site. I will add it to the links! Thanks for stopping by, it's nice to meet you. :)



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