Tuesday, May 8, 2012

JunoWriMo Anyone?

My friend, Laura at Stranger Than Writing  posted a blog about the upcoming JunoWriMo. For those who are familiar with NanoWriMo it is pretty much the same concept, write a book in a month. But it's a little different.

Rule#1 Write 50,000 words in 30 days, that's an average of 1667 words a day.

Rule#2 It has to be your original work.

You don’t have to write a new novel, it can be a work in progress. What a great way to finish that story you started! Also, you don't have to write fiction, for those who want to work on a memoir etc.

Even though I am currently in the middle of editing, I am thinking of going for it. I am really excited about writing a book in a month and I'm itching to do this. So the plan is to edit as much as I can this month, JunoWriMo next month, die, be miraculously resurrected and then finish my editing.  What do you think? Would you consider doing JunoWriMo?

 For more info on JunoWriMo or to sign up, click here. 

Also, If you are interested in something like this check out Book in a Month by Victoria Lynn Schmidt. It provides a structured plan for writing your book within a month, and includes as useful tips and advice for beating writing blocks.


  1. I have already signed up for it! Yay!
    Just added you as a friend. Now go there and accept me lol

  2. Awesome!! I just did! :) What story will you be working on for JunoWriMo? :)

  3. Doooo eeeet, ba ha ha ha ha...

    I might just have to join you. :)

    1. I am thinking about it.. but it might spell BURN OUT.. a little worried about that.

  4. I did NANO last November :) I didn't get 50K but I felt like I won anyway. Best of luck.

    1. Nano is awesome too.. anything that can make you write a lot, even if you don't end up with 50k, is a great thing.

  5. Lord have mercy...the very thought makes me feel a bit faint...

    But you should *totally* go for it! ;-)

    Some Dark Romantic

    1. hehe, I know what you mean. It sound intimidating, but it's exciting.

  6. I'm in the middle of editing right now too & I've tried to double dip, edit and write at the same time and I've struggled with it. Hope it goes well for you and your June writing + editing is a success!
    ~ Wendy

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) I am wondering if editing and writing at the same time might be too much. I might just work on writing in my free time instead of trying for 50k words.

  7. JunoWriMo - 50K words? I'll have to think about it. Thanks for sharing. I'm following you now! :)

  8. Hmmm... sounds like a great idea! I might do it. Thanks for the info.

    1. Jackie, you never cease to amaze me.. wow! If you decide to do JunoWrimo let me know! :)

  9. Ooooh. Sounds like fun! I might do this myself. We'll see how things go. I still have to perfect to the best of my ability my WIP.

    1. Me too, Millie. I need to keep polishing it up. We can do it!

  10. I am all signed up for JuNoWriMo and scared to death. What else are you doing to prepare?

    1. I have the book called, Book in a Month. I would highly reccomend reading this. It has a step by step plan on how to write a book in a month and really good advice.

      So far I am thinking of my story, outlining a plot, and trying not to panic!

  11. Oooh, I REALLY like the idea! Especially as a motivator for something you're already working on. The problem with NaNoWriMo is that it can be seriously restrictive. Why shouldn't you work on a work in progress, or anything else? FAB idea! Go for it! Go for it! ♥


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