Thursday, April 19, 2012

You Might Be A Blogger If...

1.      In conversations with your friends you think, “That would make a great post.”

2.      You start taking pictures specifically for your blog.

3.      Your blog has become your home page.

4.      You use blog-speak regularly.

5.      You look at the clock and realize you have been in the blogosphere for 2 hours without realizing it.

6.      You come home from work looking forward to a relaxing evening of blogging.

7.      Getting a comment on a post is like getting a birthday present.

8.      You are always trying to get others to blog too.

9.      You have turned down another activity in order to blog.

10.  You wake up and the first thing you think about is your blog.

Is there any more I could add to this list? :)

You Know Your a Blogger If..


  1. Haha that sounds like me! Is that your cat? It's so cute :)

    1. Glad you liked the post! That cutey-pie isn't mine. I should get a picture of my "Pita Pocket" up sometime so you can see her :)

  2. Oh yes! I have lost so much TV and movie watching time just to blog.

    1. Totally. Last night I missed watching Stargate with my husband because I was busy reading blogs. It takes away from book-reading time too, hehe.

  3. This is so true! I have so many of these experiences. Nice post.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you liked the post. I will check out your site sometime soon :)

  4. Uh oh, number 5 catches me all the time. :)

    1. Me too, I originally put 4 hours instead of 2. Ok.. I admit it. I have a blog problem.


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