Monday, October 15, 2012

What Can You Do With An English Degree Pt 2

Welcome to part two of the series on what you can do with an English degree. You can read part one here:

Are you unafraid to ask questions and be bold? Reporters are naturally curious, active listeners and good at telling stories. As a reporter it is important to give the correct information which may require some research.
What they don't tell you:
Newspapers run 24 hours a day, chances are that you'll start out working a graveyard shift.
How you can stand out from the crowd:
Get experience through your school's newspaper, or through a local small newspaper.  Learn the business, diversify your topics - if you enjoy writing food columns, try sports as well. Also work on improving your editing skills.

You can also try Magazines. Start small by submitting to a niche or trade magazines. Have a scrap-booking hobby, love snowboarding, or cooking? Try writing about those. There is a magazine for everything.

Technical Writing
Can you take something that is technical or complex and rewrite it to make it easier to understand? Technical Writers are highly sought after for software, pharmacy, robotics manufacturing, medicine, science and other fields. Plus they make a nice salary.
What they don't tell you:
You will need to be more than just a good writer, most employers want you to show your expertise in the field as well. You will be constantly learning all of the new developments in the field you work in (which may be a good thing if you are interested in the field.)
How you can stand out from the crowd:
Get a minor in a computer science, science, or other field depending on which one you want to write for. Even taking  a few classes in the field, and a technical writing class will help. See if you can volunteer to write some technical or training documents at your current job to get experience.

Freelance Writer
As a freelance writer you can be your own boss, which means working by your own schedule and writing in your pajamas, woo hoo.
What they don't tell you:
You can quickly get cabin fever, income doesn't come in nice stable intervals so it can be very feast or famine. You are also on your own as far as health insurance.
How you can stand out from the crowd:
Build up your reputation first. Network with other freelancers who might be able to recommend you to an employer when they are overloaded with work. Also, make sure that you go through the right channels when asking for work.

Do you know of any other career fields for English majors and writers? What are your thoughts?


  1. I got a degree in comparative literature. My hubby always says the only thing you can do with a lit degree is to marry an engineer. He's joking. I think. Still, I think I'll show him these posts....

    1. haha! that is funny. Now you can tell him there is a lot you can do with a comparative literature degree. There is even more than what I'll be going over. BTW, that degree sounds really interesting. What kinds of literature did you compare?

  2. I think freelance writing would be cool. But it'd be tough to live off of, especially since you have to search for your own work all the time.

    1. I agree Suzi, but there are people out there who are doing it. I guess if there is a will there is a way.
      I am considering looking into freelance some more, if I learn anything new I will share it :)

  3. I feel like the English major doesn't always get the justice it deserves. It is nice to see you putting out different career options and let people know they very well can pursue something they love and could get money from it, even if it is not just blogging or novel-writing.

    I've gone to a career advisor at my school, and she says things not so obvious like marketing or management or even human resources could be options. Typically those who are English majors understand how to write and communicate (big plus) and is artistic and full of ideas (also something people are looking for).

    It is just so awesome to have all these options out there and let people see that this degree is not something to avoid :)


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